Simple Pricing Approach

Virtual Performance Debit Card !

 I offer a system called the Virtual Performance Debit Card.

You purchase a quantity up front and use it at whatever pace you decide on. Each purchase of hours are good for a year from the purchase date. 

The more hours you pre-purchase, the larger the hourly rate savings.  

  1. $75 / hour for services, available in 10-hour chunks
  2. $85 / hour for services, available in 5-hour chunks
  3. $110 / hour for services

No Contract ~ No Long Term Commitment ~ More Flexibility

I am happy to speak with you at any time regarding improvements to your company’s logistics, technology and/or overall efficiency. 

If your needs are outside the scope of my expertise, I can most likely refer you to someone who can help.

Click here to fill out a form with details and to schedule a FREE 30 minute consultation.  

The call is FREE … It’s about you and your business.  

Purchase Hours Today

Click on the link for the number of hours you plan to purchase.  You will be redirected to a secure payment page hosted by STRIPE. 

How can I help?


Local SEO strategy, Google Business, and keyword research.

Social Media​​

Managing social media posts, scheduling, and responding to comments and messaging.

Data Analysis

Highly skilled in Excel, Google sheets and SQL to summarize, report and develop analysis for decision making.


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